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Frequently asked questions

Onze beste antwoorden

How can I know if you are the right teacher for me?

Intake is free, so we can get to know each other. It's non-binding, so you can stop whenever you want.

What makes you so special? 

Nothing at all, my ordinariness. We are already special before we need to be special.

How can I know if you're not a charlatan?

You can never know, it's a matter of trying and trusting. Everything in life has a risk.

What can I expect during a session?

Sincere contact.

Can I also book sessions in real life?

All sessions are normally online, but if you happen to be in the Netherlands, we can meet.

How can the sessions help me? 

During the sessions you can be yourself, you do what you want, where you can be yourself in a safe environment. Nothing has to be done, it's not from a book, it's not from the head, it's from the heart. The heart can turn even the greatest pain into love.

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